Augusta Mental Health Institute (AMHI)

Showing 1 - 5 of 5 Records

Maine Insane Hospital Autopsy Files, 1912-1913
These autopsy reports reflect the treatment practices and terminology of the time. Some of the language and treatments are not considered acceptable today and may be uncomfortable for some readers. Recognizing that historical medical terms do not always completely or directly map to contemporary terms, that historical terms can be offensive or inaccurately characterize a condition, and that the presence of both historical and contemporary terms may be useful for researcher discovery, the archivist has attempted to employ contemporary terms as they appear in the context of the collection in the description. As the autopsies and pathology notes were often completed at different dates later than the date of death, the archivist has employed the date of death as the record creation date for consistency.

Patient Medical Records (1840-1910)
These medical case histories of patients at the Augusta Mental Health Institute span the years 1840-1910 and are in leather-bound volumes 01-40. The numbered, paginated volumes that provide personal medical histories for patients from October 1840 until 1910 have a relatively structured, chronological format and often extensive entries. Volumes provide the patient’s name, dates of admission and discharge (by hospital staff), removal (by family), or death, the patient’s place of birth, marital status, a brief diagnosis, and multiple dated entries by the attending physician that describe the patient’s condition. Page numbers continuing individual patient records are noted at bottom of pages. Many volumes have misnumbered or missing pages. An index of patients is located at the beginning or end of each volume.

1881 Report of the Legislative Committee on Insane Hospital
Investigation by the Maine Legislature's Committee on the Insane Hospital into conditions at the hospital and allegations of patient mistreatment. Includes one folder of opinions from out-of-state institutions sought by Dr. Henry M. Harlow, Superintendent, on the suitability of female physicians.

Maine Insane Hospital Annual Reports
These annual reports were submitted to the Governor and Executive Council by the Maine Insane Hospital Superintendent and Trustees, as required by statute. Includes description of ailments requiring hospitalization, statistics regarding patients, expense sheets, and the intake questionnaire to be answered by the patient or physician.