Showing 21 - 30 of 49 Records

Kelly Mt.
360 degree panoramic map centered on the Kelly Mt. fire tower located in Brighton Township, ME, 1927.
  • Type: OBJECT
  • Collection: Fire Tower Maps
  • Date: 1927-01-01
  • Geographical Location(s): Brighton Plt, Sagadahoc County

Fire Tower Maps
Commissioned by the Maine Forest Service, these circular maps display aerial and 360 degree panoramic views from many of the mountain top fire tower stations around the State of Maine.

Maine Insane Hospital Annual Reports
These annual reports were submitted to the Governor and Executive Council by the Maine Insane Hospital Superintendent and Trustees, as required by statute. Includes description of ailments requiring hospitalization, statistics regarding patients, expense sheets, and the intake questionnaire to be answered by the patient or physician.

Double Top
360 degree panoramic map centered on the Double Top fire tower located in Township 3 Range 10, ME, 1919.
  • Type: OBJECT
  • Collection: Fire Tower Maps
  • Date: 1919-01-01
  • Geographical Location(s): T3 R10 WELS, Piscataquis County

Horse Mt.
360 degree panoramic map centered on the Horse Mt. fire tower located in Township 6 Range 8, ME, 1919.
  • Type: OBJECT
  • Collection: Fire Tower Maps
  • Date: 1919-01-01
  • Geographical Location(s): T6 R8 WELS, Penobscot County

Howe Brook
360 degree panoramic map centered on the Howe Brook fire tower located in Township 8 Range 3, ME, 1931.
  • Type: OBJECT
  • Collection: Fire Tower Maps
  • Date: 1931-01-01
  • Geographical Location(s): T8 R3 WELS, Aroostook County

Depot Mt.
360 degree panoramic map centered on the Depot Mt. fire tower located in Township 11 Range 16, ME, 1919.
  • Type: OBJECT
  • Collection: Fire Tower Maps
  • Date: 1919-01-01
  • Geographical Location(s): T11 R16 WELS, Aroostook County

Flagstaff Mt.
360 degree panoramic map centered on the Flagstaff Mt. fire tower located in Flagstaff Plantation, ME, 1918.
  • Type: OBJECT
  • Collection: Fire Tower Maps
  • Date: 1918-01-01
  • Geographical Location(s): Flagstaff Twp, Sagadahoc County